Ask Moire

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Special fall plans?!?

October 4, 2013

Diane asks: “Moire, do you have any special fall plans?”

Moire’s reply: “Is it fall? I can’t tell…except for the fact EVERYTHING is pumpkin flavored. (And when I say everything, who has heard of pumpkin flavored cat nip?! Ridiculous!) The weather is still oddly hot. Too hot for me. I’ve never liked September and I’m happy it is now October. The temperatures are sure to become cooler, which is perfect, as my long hair is growing back after my EXTREME KITTY MAKEOVER in June.

As for Fall plans, I do have a few exciting adventures in store; all budget-approved by our tight-wad, fun hater COO. (He likes pumpkin flavored everything, so it’s easy to find him in a good mood these days.)

In the next few weeks I will be going to the local pumpkin patch – possibly in search of Charlie Brown’s “Great Pumpkin”. I’ll be interviewing one of my caninefrenemies regarding his work as a police dog. Should be interesting; I plan to spend a day ‘on the beat’ with him. Maybe we’ll take down a perp or something such as that. And finally I will be traveling to Nashville to visit some of my country music kin. All of this before Turkey Day 2013!

Now in order to be fully prepared for all this adventure, I must take a nap. All this pumpkin scent in the air is making me a sleepy kitty! Until next time, always spend a moment loving your pets. They will be forever grateful.

Fondest Regards,


Moire The Cat

I am a cat. A cat that has done more, seen more, and been more than most men will ever know. My pedigree is defined by modest lineage but I have risen to be one of the finest. One of the most humble, modest, handsome, intelligent, regal, charming, and cunning felines you may ever meet. I often have 'run-ins' with the MPA tight-wad, fun-hater COO, Justin over such things as spa visits and luxury grooming. Having a cat with the skills I possess is not in-expensive. I don't come with a manual and there is no 'figuring me out'. I write a weekly column called "ASK MOIRE" where my faithful readership gets advice and suggestions for a healthy, more balanced life by sending questions to this email address: MOIRE@ASKMPA.COM

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