Most Valued Member (Me of course)
August 9, 2013
L.C. asks: “Obviously, Moire, you are one of the most valued members of the MPA team. Do they pay you well?”
Moiré’s answer: L.C., I’m so impressed that you have noticed my value here at MPA. While I don’t like to brag, I think I’ve come to terms with the FACT that without me, they’d be nothing! I often marvel at how self-important that tightwad-fun-hater COO, Justin, is. I mean, does he really think he gets customers through the door by simply placing advertising? Until I see a customer literally bend down and pat HIM on the head I think I know the real reason they come in those doors!
MPA does take good care of me. I get spa days, hair cuts, general grooming, tasty food, and lots of love! But, L.C., what I’m most concerned about in our current economy is my yearly KCOL (“Kitty Cost of Living”) increase. We all know how expensive it is getting just to live in this world. I do need my KCOL in order to keep up my subscriptions to US WEEKLY and TIME MAGAZINE; not to mention my music service, Rhapsody, and my streaming video service, NETFLIX! The thought of losing the ability to watch all those seasons of Downton Abbey sends my fur on end.
So, L.C., I implore you (and any other readers who would feel so moved) to please email our dear tightwad-fun-hater COO, Justin, and let him know that this sweet little kitty is deeply valued and should, at all costs, receive a Kitty Cost of Living increase. His email address is I’m sure he’d love to hear from you!
Until then, my faithful and loving readership, please show your pet the value they have in your life with plenty of treats and lots of attention!
Fondest Regards,
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