Ask Moire

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Spring Has Sprung a Leak

March 21, 2014

It appears to be Spring. How do I know? One always knows it’s Spring at MPA due to the following inescapable realities:

  • Jodie, in Design, no longer has to RUN from our office to the local Casey’s convenience store. Jodie can walk casually now…because it’s Spring.
  • John, in Tech, has the ladies swooning as he sheds the coat and flaunts his muscles in the TIGHTEST MPA polo he can find. John doesn’t need a coat…because it’s Spring.
  • Donnie, at the Front Desk, changes the lobby music from the reflective sounds of Regina Spektor, to the exceedingly club-like sounds of Mika. Donnie can dance at work…because it’s Spring.
  • Justin, our tight wad fun-hater COO, can stop complaining about the snow tracked across his office floor. Justin can stop complaining about the floors because there’s always something else to complain about…because it’s Spring.
  • Yours truly, the Kitty in Command (KIC), will enjoy the longer, sunnier days, by relaxing in every window sill. I can bask in the sun for longer periods…because it’s Spring.

So, my fine and faithful readers, I hope you have realized it is Spring and you, too, can now walk-casually-while-flaunting-your-muscles-and-listening-to-dance-music-while-finding-something-new-to-complain-about-basking-in-the-sun.

Fondest Regards,

Moire The Cat

I am a cat. A cat that has done more, seen more, and been more than most men will ever know. My pedigree is defined by modest lineage but I have risen to be one of the finest. One of the most humble, modest, handsome, intelligent, regal, charming, and cunning felines you may ever meet. I often have 'run-ins' with the MPA tight-wad, fun-hater COO, Justin over such things as spa visits and luxury grooming. Having a cat with the skills I possess is not in-expensive. I don't come with a manual and there is no 'figuring me out'. I write a weekly column called "ASK MOIRE" where my faithful readership gets advice and suggestions for a healthy, more balanced life by sending questions to this email address: MOIRE@ASKMPA.COM

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