Ask Moire

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When in Rome…

April 11, 2014

As it is a holy time of year for the devoted – or ‘Spring Break’ as some call it – I recently set upon a religious pilgrimage of sorts to the old country to discover more about the religions of the world and of my ancestry.  I should have known it would turn into several weeks of wild feline adventure across multiple continents with some unique characters!

Upon landing in Rome (do you know how hard it is for a cat to book a seat in first class?) I was off to the Vatican, or Stato della Città del Vaticano.  I elected to begin my study of religion here, as one of the most followed and adored church leaders, the Pope, has often corresponded with me.  After a private audience with His Holiness, and an extremely spirited conversation about the importance of changing the ‘no pets in the Vatican’ rule, I was whisked off to a tour of the papal residence and a history of the Catholic church. Frankly, I’m still confused about all the Madonna references…

At any rate, one cannot visit Rome without taking in some of the most amazing attractions Europe has to offer… Prada, Versace, Gucci, and Fendi! Good thing I managed to outsmart that tight wad fun hater COO at MPA and get my own company credit card — “for emergencies only”.  God bless American Express!

Finally, exhausted from the religious, and near-religious, experiences of the day I found my home back to my hotel of choice. When in Rome, the 5 star Grand Hotel De La Minerve is the place to rest your weary paws!

Until next time my faithful, yet often furless, readers – I bid you ado from the city of fashion and gelato!

Fondest Regards,


Moire The Cat

I am a cat. A cat that has done more, seen more, and been more than most men will ever know. My pedigree is defined by modest lineage but I have risen to be one of the finest. One of the most humble, modest, handsome, intelligent, regal, charming, and cunning felines you may ever meet. I often have 'run-ins' with the MPA tight-wad, fun-hater COO, Justin over such things as spa visits and luxury grooming. Having a cat with the skills I possess is not in-expensive. I don't come with a manual and there is no 'figuring me out'. I write a weekly column called "ASK MOIRE" where my faithful readership gets advice and suggestions for a healthy, more balanced life by sending questions to this email address: MOIRE@ASKMPA.COM

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