Tech Table Friday, March 14, 2014
March 14, 2014
Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table, I’m Justin.
Diana: And I’m Diana.
Justin: And we’re you’re hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech.
Diana: We promise, it’ll be easy to digest. It’s my favorite day.
Justin: It is, it’s Friday, which is a favorite day of a lot of people, I think, and so, we’re gonna talk about Friday Faves today.
Diana: Yes.
Justin: We always talk about favorite things, and you know, this time of year Girl Scout Cookies are on everyone’s mind, and that’s one of our first Friday Faves. You and I just asked some people.
Diana: Yeah, yeah, sure. Around the office, I just kinda, take a poll every once in awhile, and I have, I dream up all sorts of categories, some things tech, and some things not, so.
Justin: Right. And this is the first year, I wanna make a note, a public note about this. This is the first year in about four years that I’ve eaten a Girl Scout Cookie.
Diana: Really?
Justin: Yes, and this is how, this is why; typically, Diana, you order the Girl Scout Cookies.
Diana: True.
Justin: And then you hide them.
Diana: Mm hm.
Justin: And you savor them.
Diana: Yes.
Justin: And, you eat like, one a day, and it’s a thing you do. And, if I get into them…
Diana: Yes.
Justin: …I end up missing some body part, fingers, an arm…
Diana: [Laughs]
Justin: …anything’s possible, or having a black eye.
Diana: It sounds a little over dramatized.
Justin: No, it’s true. It’s true I mean, I’ve never tested it, but that’s what I feel will happen.
Diana: [Laughs]
Justin: So, so, this year, you were gone.
Diana: Mm hm.
Justin: You were out of town, and I ordered my own Girl Scout Cookies, because now, these Girl Scouts have gotten smart.
Diana: They come up to you with their sweet smiles…
Justin: Mm hm. Mm hm.
Diana: …and they ask,”Mr. Hill?”
Justin: Yeah, that’s exactly right. “Mr. Hill, would you like to buy some cookies?” And, I’m like, well, how long do I have to wait to get the cookies? Because, I’m one of those people, I don’t want to have to wait to get the cookies.
Diana: Right. You use to have to wait like, a month, or months.
Justin: Right. And you were out of town, and I was like, hmm, I’ll take 4 boxes of those peanut butter ones, there. The little girl was like, Jackpot! And so, yeah, so I ended up with 4 boxes of these peanut butter, now you came home the next day…
Diana: I think I ate one of, one cookie out of those 4 boxes.
Justin: Yeah, I ate like, 3 boxes that day. Now, I don’t go easy on things you know, I’m all about just…
Diana: Big, go big, or go home. Mm hm.
Justin: Absolutely. Yeah, so, but anyway, that little girl, I thought she deserved it. She like, came up the stairs to me in my office, and you know, she just took charge, and…
Diana: Yeah.
Justin: …yeah, it was pretty impressive, but.
Diana: So, the Peanut Butter Patties, that’s clearly your favorite kind.
Justin: Ah, I love anything peanut butter, but those Peanut Butter Patties are so good.
Diana: Who, who, who else around the office, what are their favorite kinds? You have the list?
Justin: Yeah, we’ve got Donnie likes the Thin Mints if they’re frozen. That’s a great way to enjoy those.
Diana: Yes.
Justin: What else?
Diana: Uh, John says he, it really depends on his mood.
Justin: I can go with that too. Yeah.
Diana: And if he wants lots of energy he goes with the Thin Mints.
Justin: Uh huh?
Diana: But, if he’s relaxing he’ll go with the Peanut Butter Patty, just like you.
Justin: Right, or the, or the Carmel Delight.
Diana: Oh yes, or the Carmel Delight.
Justin: Yeah, which, that’s interesting. I do, I have had a little bit of the lemon, what are those lemon?
Diana: Oh, Lemonades.
Justin: Yeah. Yeah, those are, if I am in a…
Diana: It’s a shortbread and lemonade, or lemon.
Justin: …peppy mood that’s what I go for.
Diana: Yeah. It’s good.
Justin: Absolutely.
Diana: Yeah. And, then there’s also Jodie.
Justin: Yes?
Diana: Agrees with the Peanut Butter Patties. So far, those are winning, aren’t they?
Justin: Ah, yeah, well, that’s with good reason, absolutely.
Diana: Now, Chris talked about the Thanks a lot.
Justin: I don’t even know what that is.
Diana: He said Thanks a lot.
Justin: Oh, look, the engineer, she’s like, waving wildly over there.
Diana: I know, I know!
Justin: She likes those too. Thanks a lot.
Diana: And then, we wrap it up here, David has a classic with a Thin Mint again. It’s kind of a tie.
Justin: So, really, it’s about those Thin Mints, or those Peanut Butter Patties.
Diana: Yeah.
Justin: Don’t they have 2 kinds of peanut butter cookies, right now at Girl Scouts?
Diana: Do Si Dos.
Justin: Yeah.
Diana: And, and that’s, yeah, that’s like a sandwich cookie, a sandwich cream cookie.
Justin: Right.
Diana: And the peanut, and the Peanut Butter Patty, which use to be called, Tag-a-Longs?
Justin: Right?
Diana: That’s chocolate covered and has like, a peanut butter.
Justin: Great.
Diana: Yeah. It’s good.
Justin: Well, I really hope the Girl Scouts send us some free cookies now for talking about them for the last, the entire segment today.
Diana: Hope so. This whole time. [Laughs]
Justin: It is, truly, one of our favorites this time of year. So, enjoy some cookies, support your Girl Scouts, and until next time.
Diana: Take care.
Justin: Tech Table is brought to you by MPA of Bloomfield, Iowa, and God’s Country Radio. You can visit us online at
Diana: If you have questions or comments, please send them to, that’s
Justin: And, thanks for listening.
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