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Don’t Be Scared today, this Friday the 13th. We have Friday Faves at the ready!

June 13, 2014

Okay, so usually we reserve these for the FIFTH Friday of the month, but we couldn’t resist featuring some faves right this very moment as we hide beneath our beds to avoid Jason. Anyway, here are some of our Team Members’ favorite things RIGHT NOW: FAVORITE WEBSITE OR APP Moiré:My favorite app is MyPetED! You can keep track of all the vital stats on your favorite feline… or canine, I suppose. It does cost $1.99, which makes it out of the price range of our tight […]

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Tech Table
Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise: it’ll be easy to digest. Justin: It’s Theme Thursday. Hallo, Diana. Diana: Hi. Hi, Justin. How are you? Justin: I’m all right. We’re going to talk about keeping your cool in warm weather. Diana: Well, warm weather is upon us. Justin: It’s heating up out there. Diana: It’s only […]

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Tech Table
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise: it’ll be easy to digest. Well, hi. Happy Wednesday, Justin. Justin: I don’t know if it’s so happy. Diana: What do you mean? Justin: We’re going to talk about, again, Pinterest. Diana: Pinterest has things going on. They have changes happening, they’ve got new offerings. They have exciting stuff. […]

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Tech Table
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: and I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Well, hi there, Justin. Justin: Hello, Diana. It’s Tuesday. Diana: Yes. And on Tuesday, we get to talk about tech stuff. Justin: Well, we talk about tech stuff all the time. Diana: It’s true. But it’s specifically Tech Tuesday on Tuesday. Justin: That’s right. […]

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Welcome to Node.js: Part 0 – Intro to LAMP and MEAN

June 10, 2014

My name is Nate, and I’m a Node.js newb. I’ve been asked to dive into Node.js and it’s surrounding environment of technologies, and to give an ant’s eye view of the learning process. I’ve heard the rumors, and witnessed a demonstration or two. This is the Next Big Thing in web development. While I hack away at the task before me, I will invariably make mistakes, run off into tangential topics, and generally make a mess. I’ll do my best […]

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Tech Table
Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise: it’ll be easy to digest. Hey there, Justin. Justin: Hey, Diana. It’s Monday. Diana: And we get mail on Monday. Justin: We do. Diana: Well, we get mail every day. We talk about it on Monday. Justin: It’s so nice, too. People do send notes to our inbox. Usually […]

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Ready for iOS 8?

June 6, 2014

Apple iOS 8 was recently announced, and yet again they have self-labeled the system as the biggest and best mobile iOS! Some of the new features include: A re-vamp of the multitasking screen Now see recent people that you have had conversations with or recent events, apart from “apps” Changes in how pictures are managed (now any and all pictures you take – even those you edit – are sent through the cloud!) Messages get an update, giving you more […]

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Moiré’s posting tip: No one cares that much.

June 6, 2014

Jenna writes in “I’m just getting into social networking. What do you think I should use? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram?” Jenna, my dear, isn’t it a fabulous thing that you can come to me, a kitty cat, and ask such life changing questions? I applaud you for coming out of the dark ages and diving into social media. The question you really should be asking is “Which is better for my lifestyle – Facebook or Twitter?” You see, Instagram is almost […]

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Tech Table
Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re you’re hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest. Hey. Justin: Hey Diana. It is Friday! Diana: Yes it is! Justin: We are having a fun week here. Diana: Oh my goodness. Justin: You know, it’s, we’re sailing, cruising into summer. Diana: Into summer. Justin: Having a great time. Even our engineer, she’s […]

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Tech Table
Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 5, 2014

Justin: Welcome to NPA’s Tech table. I’m Justin. Diana: And I’m Diana. Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech. Diana: We promise it will be easy to digest. Well hello there Justin. Justin: Hello Diana. I’m already making you smile today on Thursday? Diana: Yes. You make me smile a lot. Justin: Well that’s nice, thank you for that. So it’s theme Thursday here on the Tech Table. We’re going to […]

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