A musing on DEADLINES (and why no one should ever have to meet them, apparently.) I should think that a cat as brilliant as myself would be allowed the courtesy of a relaxed deadline here and there, but no – I am kept to a very strict standard as I write these weekly columns. Evidently I have a commitment that must be honored, therefore I have a deadline that helps remind/nudge/push me into meeting that commitment. Hopefully yours truly sets a […]
Diane asks: “Moire, do you have any special fall plans?” Moire’s reply: “Is it fall? I can’t tell…except for the fact EVERYTHING is pumpkin flavored. (And when I say everything, who has heard of pumpkin flavored cat nip?! Ridiculous!) The weather is still oddly hot. Too hot for me. I’ve never liked September and I’m happy it is now October. The temperatures are sure to become cooler, which is perfect, as my long hair is growing back after my EXTREME KITTY MAKEOVER in […]
Linda asks: Moire, do you use your smartphone for texting? Moiré’s answer: Dearest Linda, thanks for your question! My paws make it somewhat difficult for me to text. While I do have an iPhone (I’m hoping for a new yellow 5c but I’m sure I’ll be waiting awhile thanks to our tight-wad, fun hater COO), I use an app called Voice Texting Pro. All I have to do is speak into the microphone and it types my text out for me. Very handy […]
Our resident smarty-cat has written an essay on BAD BEHAVIOR: In recent months I have had my attention pulled, without my consent mind you, to certain acts of debauchery that are becoming more and more the ‘norm’ of our society. I’ve had enough. ENOUGH. First it was the spectacle that was “SNOOKI“, a reality starlet on some mindless MTV show, and most recently Miley Cyrus and her “twerking” incident on the VMA awards. (You’Il notice I refuse to provide a link […]
A “Somewhat Poetic Musing” in honor of Friday the 13th by Moiré If I were a superstitious cat… I’d hide my head under the covers on this Friday the 13th. But instead I prance proudly and nobly around my kingdom. If I were a superstitious cat… I’d make sure to avoid every crack in case it would break my mother’s back. But instead I put my paws where I please with the confidence that mother will remain well. If I were a […]
Clarinda asks: Moire, they say that it is the end of the PC era. Do you agree?” Moiré’s answer: Hello Clarinda, and thank you for your question. I’m assuming by ‘PC’ you mean ‘Personal Computing’ rather than ‘Political Correctness’? I dare say we’ve left the age of being politically correct long ago, but that’s another column for another day. As far as this being the end of the age of personal computing there have been some recent articles and, perhaps, even a study or […]
Colleen asks: Moire, I’ve been following you on Twitter and I’m not that excited about what you’ve been saying. Do you make your own tweets or does someone write them for you?” Moire’s answer: Colleen, I have failed you! Indeed, I’ve failed the team here at MPA and all of my beloved readers. I have been farming out the job writing my own tweets and you’ve noticed. No doubt I imagine you’ve noticed because they lack a certain pussycat sass; the kind […]
As you, dear reader, are sure to remember from one of my July articles I am a diehard fan of fairs and festivals. I still reflect fondly on my frolic to the Davis County Fair and my fondness of corn dogs. (Speaking of that, it is wise not to write so publicly about a food obsession in case one’s doctor might be reading. I’ve been on a solid diet of nothing but fish for four weeks now. Well, four weeks […]
L.C. asks: “Obviously, Moire, you are one of the most valued members of the MPA team. Do they pay you well?” Moiré’s answer: L.C., I’m so impressed that you have noticed my value here at MPA. While I don’t like to brag, I think I’ve come to terms with the FACT that without me, they’d be nothing! I often marvel at how self-important that tightwad-fun-hater COO, Justin, is. I mean, does he really think he gets customers through the door by simply […]
Kendra asks: “Moire what is your favorite summer activity?” Moiré’s answer: Kendra, thank you for your most inquisitive email. While I’m sure some will expect me to say yachting or sailing, I must admit my favorite summer activity is sun bathing. How I love the warm rays cascading over my expertly groomed exterior. I often take time to relax in the large window of the MPA conference room where, at the perfect time of day, the sun’s capacity to provide me both […]