MAY you have a lovely May
May 15, 2014
Indeed… May Day has come and gone and I got no May basket?! What has happened to this tradition? It used to be, when I was a kitten, everyone would make lovely May baskets and spread them around the neighborhood – ringing in the joys of the season. I rather enJOYed spreading JOY. Wouldn’t you like to spread some JOY?
Well, apparently not. I’m not feeling any JOY regarding this traditional homage to the first of May.
But wait, there is still time! I have heard that several of my faithful readers continue to offer gifts of flowers or other crafty creations right through this weekend! They are, no doubt, trying to re-kindle the dying art of goodwill. If you need some assistance in finding inspiration for your May basket giving, I encourage you to visit the website of my old white collar criminal – and decorative maven friend – Search for “May Baskets” and you’ll get tons of articles she (most likely) wrote while behind bars on the JOYs of giving.
I implore you to spread JOY to everyone you meet, not just in celebration of May, but always! Every man, woman, child, and four-legged creature needs some good, old-fashioned LOVE.
Fondest Regards,
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