Tech Table Friday, May 16, 2014
May 16, 2014
Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin.
Diana: And I’m Diana.
Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech.
Diana: We promise, it’ll be easy to digest. Hi, Justin.
Justin: Hey, Diana. It is Friday. Your favorite day of the week.
Diana: Yes, and Friday is a good date night day.
Justin: Is that a hint?
Diana: Yeah, it’s always a hint.
Justin: It is always a hint, yeah. And date nights are a fun thing for most people. I would think. You know, and a lot of times people go to see a movie.
Diana: Yeah. That’s a really good-, I know that’s a lot of our dates earlier on in our relationship.
Justin: Absolutely.
Diana: Movies and food.
Justin: Yeah, movies and food. Absolutely, so.
Diana: It still sounds good to me now.
Justin: That’s right. So, movie sound tracks are what you went around the office this week asking favorite movie soundtracks.
Diana: Yeah, you know, I think you can tell a lot about a person when you hear about their favorite movie soundtracks.
Justin: Oh, you can. Absolutely.
Diana: And, you know, the movie soundtrack, sometimes it’s just simply songs that were inspired by the movie.
Justin: Right.
Diana: Or songs that were used in the movie. Or, you know, when they are really developed, it can be like the actual score that was played in the film and it can be the orchestral and.
Justin: Yeah, you know, people don’t think as much as they should sometimes about the movie soundtrack. And that, you know, that music is what makes you feel the way you feel a film.
Diana: Oh, yeah. I mean if you ever watched a movie without the, the music playing behind it.
Justin: Right.
Diana: Sometimes, you know, you’ve seen documentaries of the behind the scenes. You know, try watching that and see it’s just such a different experience.
Justin: It is. Absolutely. Music adds a lot to it-, to the film. So you went around and did the Friday Favs thing.
Diana: Sure did. Sure did.
Justin: And asked about these favorite soundtracks. I think it’s interesting. Donnie at the front desk-, this does not surprise me. He loves anime and I didn’t even know there was anime suspense drama.
Diana: Yeah. I think there’s anime everything.
Justin: Yeah, but he said, Bleach. I don’t know what that is.
Diana: Yes. And I’ve heard of Bleach. I don’t know if it’s just because Donnie’s mentioned it.
Justin: Probably.
Diana: I think it’s a relatively popular anime.
Justin: I think so.
Diana: Yeah. That’s one of those things if you’re into it, you’re into it. And if you’re not, you’re not.
Justin: Right. Exactly.
Diana: But yeah, he likes Bleach. John.
Justin: Yeah, John.
Diana: This is my favorite response I think.
Justin: Our tech leader, this is interesting for our tech leader. He says, “I’m stuck on the Frozen soundtrack right now.”
Diana: Frozen. Like Disney’s Frozen.
Justin: Yup. John, big, burly, ex-marine John likes Frozen.
Diana: Yeah. And he will listen to every version of any song from Frozen. You know, Let it Go is the big one.
Justin: Yes.
Diana: That’s been popular. He just loves it. It’s really cute.
Justin: Well, and Disney does put out some great stuff. Definitely.
Diana: That’s true. That’s true.
Justin: And of course we know, Jodie’s been blasting it at the office, so we know that her favorite was Frozen.
Diana: Yes. So, Jodie and John, they’ve been bonding over their love for Frozen.
Justin: Every afternoon, I hear, ba-da-dum, ba-da-dum. Yeah all the time. Yeah, exactly.
Diana: Yes. Yes.
Justin: And then Chris says, All the Pretty Horses.
Diana: Yes. Yes. He’s talked about that one before I know. He really likes that soundtrack. Now, I’m with David on his pick. Well, he has kind of a few here he named off. I’m really, really digging his stuff here. He says, Batman Darknight or Edward Scissorhands or Alice in Wonderland. Really anything Danny Elfman.
Justin: Yes, of course.
Diana: Is what David says.
Justin: Danny Elfman is known for doing the kind of offbeat Tim Burton.
Diana: Yeah. He’s collaborated with Tim Burton a lot.
Justin: Films. You know, so yeah, anything Danny, Danny Elfman David says. And Danny Elfman is genius.
Diana: Well, he also wrote the Simpsons.
Justin: Yup. Yup. There’s a lot that Don-, that Danny Elfman has done that’s really interesting. So, you should definitely check out Danny Elfman for his kind of off-, off the wall stuff, which he’s done. Now, what’s your favorite soundtrack right now?
Diana: You know, I’ve always loved the Romeo and Juliet, Boz Lerman, 1996 of whatever.
Justin: Sure. Yup. Yup.
Diana: Soundtrack. It’s not probably for everyone. It’s very rocking. You know,
Justin: Right. Yeah. Exactly.
Diana: Mid-90s grunge alternative sound but I really like it.
Justin: Very good.
Diana: But it’s good stuff.
Justin: Very good. Well, until next time.
Diana: Take care.
Justin: Tech Table is brought to you by MPA of Bloomfield, Iowa and God’s Country Radio. You can visit us online at askMPA dot com.
Diana: If you have questions or comments please send them to questions at askMPA dot com. That’s questions at askMPA dot com.
Justin: And thanks for listening.
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