Tech Table Radio Show

Tech Table
Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

Justin: Welcome to MPA’s Tech Table. I’m Justin.

Diana: And I’m Diana.

Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving a heaping spoonful of all things tech.

Diana: We promise, it’ll be easy to digest.

Diana: Hi.

Justin: Hello Diana. It is Monday.

Diana: Yes. Yes.

Justin: That means mail day here. So if you..

Diana: Oh, I like mail.

Justin: Oh, I know. If you sent your questions into, you might get them answered today.

Diana: Ya.

Justin: And Terrence wrote in and said “What am I going to do now that Windows XP is going to be unsupported?”

Diana: We’ve been talking a lot about this at the office.

Justin: We have. We have. And a lot of people have been talking about this. So what does that even mean? Well, it means that Windows XP as an operating system, they’re going to discontinue support of it. They’re not going to issue any more updates. You know, you’re not gonna have any more support for that product. So if you’re still running with Windows XP, you need to upgrade.

Diana: Yes.

Justin: And you know, we recommend Windows 7 or even 8 if your computer has the hardware to handle it. Now, the problem here is that you might need a brand new computer. ———

Diana: Right.

Justin: It’s just a hand hold.

Diana: Not every computer that exists out there right now can handle Windows 7 or 8.

Justin: Right and you know I think that’s something I didn’t know for a long time or I didn’t put the pieces together, that you, you really have to keep upgrading little things to keep the big picture running.

Diana: ya

Justin: You know everything is upgradable. Every piece of software that you operate has upgrades and things you have to apply to it. And every piece of hardware needs to be upgraded at some point too. You know, and it’s just one of those things. You really can’t get a computer and expect it to be good and the same for five years.

Diana: Right.

Justin: It’s like your car. If you didn’t do anything to your car after you bought your car..

Diana: It’s maintenance. It’s…

Justin: Right. You’ve gotta keep up with things, you know, so you know now we’re to the end of life for Windows XP. And that’s basically what they’re determining here. That’s why they’re not supporting it anymore. It’s an out of date product. So, you can upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 like we said if your computer has the hardware to handle it.

Diana: Right, now what happens if you don’t get the update? It could mean just simply over time your computer will start to lose features. There will have a greater risk of crashing or being infected with virus and malware.

Justin: Right.

Diana: So we’re not trying to be, you know, just have scare tactics here, but this is just reality.

Justin: Yes, it is reality and eventually you just need an upgrade.

Diana: Right right.

Justin: And you know. I’ve gotta be honest with you. If you haven’t upgraded it from Windows XP.. and then we’ve had Windows XP then we’ve had Windows Vista.

Diana: Vista.

Justin: Vista and that’s, I’m still running Vista on one of my computers and at the office there was a “you gotta get that upgraded. Upgrade to Windows 7.” So there was Vista then Windows 7 and now Windows 8. So there’s a lot of things that you probably should have upgraded between now and then that weren’t, so now you’re coming to the end of life to the Windows XP product. So, you know, it’s time, time to look at upgrading, time to look at investing something in that.

Diana: If your computer won’t upgrade it’s just too old. You may need to look at getting that new computer.

Justin: Right, but I guarantee you that new computer’s going to be cheaper than the one that you bought when it with WIndows XP on it.

Diana: True.

Justin: Because computers have gotten much less expensive.

Diana: And you’ll be amazed how fast everything works.

Justin: Oh ya, it’d be a life changer for you and very exciting. So ya, so ya think about, think about getting that new computer or at least looking at your options to upgrade and..

Diana: right.

Justin: You know you can always email us your questions about this at

Diana: That’s right. That’s

Justin: Absolutely. Until next time.

Diana: Take care.

Justin: Tech Table was brought to you by MPA of Bloomfield, Iowa and God’s Country Radio. You can visit us online at

Diana: If you have questions or comments please send them to That’s

Justin: And thanks for listening.

Jodie Atkinson

Designer & Video Specialist - Jodie is a mom to a very active three-year-old, Abbie, who keeps her hopping. A recent transplant to Southeast Iowa, Jodie and her family are enjoying the relaxed pace of living in a rural community. She joined our team from the hurry and scurry of the Des Moines metro area, where she worked at Gannett/Des Moines Register creating dozens of ads every day. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from UNI in Graphic Design and loves creating design that matters. Jodie’s mantra: “Be great. Create.”

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