Tech Table Radio Show

Tech Table
Thursday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013


Justin: Welcome to MPA’s “Tech Table” I’m Justin…

Diana: And, I’m Diana…

Justin: …and we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up a heaping spoonful of all things tech.

Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest!

Justin: Hey, Diana. It is Web Wednesday here at at the Tech Table.

Diana: Yes, internet, web-related stuff.

Justin: Absolutely. So, today we’re going to talk about YouTube.

Diana: Love it.

Justin: Yes. A lot of people spend a lot of time on YouTube. What is YouTube?

Diana: Well, YouTube is so many things, but, in short, I think people think of YouTube as, you go to this website, and you can look up videos. 

Justin: Yeah. Lots of videos.

Diana: Lots of videos.

Justin: You can find pets doing funny things. You can find…

Diana: Music videos.

Justin: Natural disaster videos. There are all sorts of videos, and basically, as soon as a world event happens, you can see it on YouTube because someone uploads it that quickly, and a lot of news services even use YouTube to embed their content. So, YouTube is kind of the go-to place for video on the internet. What’s interesting is it’s useful. I used to think of YouTube as just something to distract me.

Diana: Kind of a time-waster.

Justin: Right, a time-waster, and it can be, I think. 

Diana: What gets you is that you’re viewing a video on whatever, and YouTube makes suggestions for what maybe you should watch next, that’s found on the right hand side of the screen.

Justin: I’ve been bad about that with music. I’ll watch a music video and then it will say, oh, you should watch this one over here. And I click that one, and then it says you should watch this one over here, and before you know it, I’ve spent two hours watching all these music videos, which, I suppose, is informative.

Diana: It could be.

Justin: Right. So, what do you like about YouTube, Diana?

Diana: You mentioned music. I love music, and so I like to look up videos, or sometimes I’ll just put something on repeat and listen to things and not even watch. 

Justin: That’s cool. You can actually put it on repeat, or do you just refresh it?

Diana: No, I just refresh it. 

Justin: All right. I was confused.

Diana: I just repeat it when it gets done.

Justin: Yeah. Good. The cool thing about YouTube is that there are a lot of DIY, do it yourself, videos, so if you need to fix something. Chris Ball, in our office, was telling us that he learned to repair his dryer on YouTube, which I’m not sure that I would…

Diana: I wouldn’t trust myself with that.

Justin: Yeah, do anything with too much electrical going on, like wiring your house or something. But, in that case, he learned how to repair his dryer. You can learn about how you should fold shirts. That’s interesting.

Diana: Yeah. I think there are a lot of different techniques to folding shirts, but there are some trending videos out there, right now, where they mix martial arts with the fabric itself to create that store-folded look. No, you just have to look it up. Speaking of fans, and I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but I was shown this last week by a ten year old: the fox. Just type in ‘the fox’ on YouTube and you’ll see lots of different versions of this, but the original is not to be missed.

Justin: Cool, so go check out YouTube and see how much time you can spend watching videos of animals. Until next time…

Diana: …take care!

Justin: Tech Table is brought to you by MPA of Bloomfield, Iowa, and God’s Country Radio. You can visit us online at

Diana: If you have questions or comments, please send them to 

Justin: And, thanks for listening!

Jodie Atkinson

Designer & Video Specialist - Jodie is a mom to a very active three-year-old, Abbie, who keeps her hopping. A recent transplant to Southeast Iowa, Jodie and her family are enjoying the relaxed pace of living in a rural community. She joined our team from the hurry and scurry of the Des Moines metro area, where she worked at Gannett/Des Moines Register creating dozens of ads every day. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from UNI in Graphic Design and loves creating design that matters. Jodie’s mantra: “Be great. Create.”

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