Tech Table Radio Show

Tech Table
Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013


Justin: Welcome to MPAs Tech table. I’m Justin.

Diana: And I’m Diana

Justin: And we’re your hosts. We’ll be serving up heaping spoonful of all things Tech.

Diana: We promise it’ll be easy to digest.

Justin: It’s Thursday.

Diana: So we’ve got a new theme.

Justin: You have a theme for today and it’s smartphones.

Diana: Yes

Justin: You know I always hear people say that their smart phone is smarter than they are.

Diana: Right

Justin: And I think that’s not the case however they’re getting easier and easier to use as time goes along. You know so there are many different kinds of smartphones, there’s android, Iphone, blackberry, you know does anyone out there have those, I’m sure many of you do and I actually have two. I have a Blackberry and an Iphone.

Diana: I have an Android and an iPhone.

Justin: Right. yeah that’s interesting so what can you do with a smartphone?

Diana: I think the question is more really what can’t you do with your smartphone.

Justin: That’s probably true.

Diana: One thing that people don’t do with their smartphones as much as they do with regular phones is actually make calls.

Justin: Right, so I had my Iphone for a couple weeks before I realized I didn’t actually know how to make the call on it.

Diana: Make the call.

Justin: So I had to figure it out and do that, I mean people don’t use their phone anymore which is a whole other topic, a whole other subject but yeah so you can talk on it obviously. What else can you do?

Diana: You can watch television shows, you can watch movies, videos.

Justin: Right, so that’s one of the reasons the screens keep getting a little bigger because of that

Diana: A little too big for my taste, I think some of them now.

Justin: Well do you watch Tv or Movies on your phone.

Diana: No.

Justin: Right, exactly but if you did that then you would probably enjoy that larger screen size.

Diana: Good point.

Justin: And of course you read email.

Diana: Sure, I think I have three or four emails hooked up to my smartphone, what about you?

Justin: This is why I have two. I’m kind of an organization freak if you will, so I like everything very segmented and everything very in it’s place so I have one email that goes to one smartphone, another email that goes to the other smartphone, well I have a lot of email routing at things they have set up for me. I don’t set those things up. It does confuse me but.

Diana: Do you take pictures on your smartphone?

Justin: I do, however, I’m really picky about the quality of the picture so I use different smartphones for different images and then web images are different than its yeah

Diana: And not all smartphones have the same nice camera either so.

Justin: Absolutely, some smartphones are known for a better camera than others. Absolutely.

Diana: And video.

Justin: And video as well you can take a lot of video.

Diana: Yeah that’s pretty cool.

Justin: Yeah of course managing your phone book, your calendar, all of your contacts.

Diana: Sounds right up your alley.

Justin: Absolutely. And I do I have all of my contacts synced is what they call it to each device, so my office contacts are synced up with G-mail which are then synced up into my Iphone so yeah its a tangled web but it works beautifully.

Diana: Oh one of my favorite things to do is shop.

Justin: Yeah that’s true, this comes up at least once a week on this show.

Diana: It sure does, you do almost anything, I like to play a few games, I like to play Sudoku, angry birds, its a fun one.

Justin: Absolutely, so you know iPhone has really taken over the market and like I said, I have one, you have one. You know I like things about the iPhone, I don’t like things about the iPhone, Blackberry is losing market share unfortunately but I still really love mine so it depends and you have Android which is gaming market share too so no matter what smart phone you choose enjoy it or get another one and you’ll have two.

Diana: That’s right.

Justin: Until next time.

Diana: Take care

Justin: Tech Table is brought to you by MPA of Bloomfield Iowa and God’s country radio. You can visit us online at

Diana: If you have questions or comments please send them to that’s

Justin: And thanks for listening!

Jodie Atkinson

Designer & Video Specialist - Jodie is a mom to a very active three-year-old, Abbie, who keeps her hopping. A recent transplant to Southeast Iowa, Jodie and her family are enjoying the relaxed pace of living in a rural community. She joined our team from the hurry and scurry of the Des Moines metro area, where she worked at Gannett/Des Moines Register creating dozens of ads every day. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from UNI in Graphic Design and loves creating design that matters. Jodie’s mantra: “Be great. Create.”

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